The Floss of Choice for Dental Schools Nationwide
Discover why dental schools and dental training programs nationwide are choosing Floss Singles as their floss of choice. Each individual floss sachet contains 20″ of precut mint waxed floss. Floss Singles are ideally packaged for an individual patient providing the perfect length of floss, eliminating unnecessary waste, and above all avoiding cross-contamination. Our floss is made with top quality 840 denier nylon strands, great for easy gliding between teeth, ideal for plaque removal, and checking contacts. As a result, Floss Singles are used for every routine dental procedure making it the best dental floss for everyday use.
University of Southern California
University of California Los Angeles University of the Pacific Southern Illinois University University of Louisville University of Nebraska University of New England University of Minnesota University of Michigan College of Dental Medicine at Western University Columbia University New York University |
University of Nevada Las Vegas
Creighton Texas A&M Boston University Tufts AZ School of Dentistry & Oral Health University of Texas Houston University of Florida University of Texas San Antonio Georgia Regents University Indiana University VCU-School of Dentistry |
Midwestern University
Nova Southeastern University Ohio State University Roseman University Health Science Temple University UCSF School of Dentistry University of Mississippi University Of Pennsylvania Harvard University University of Rochester CWRU School of Dentistry University of Maryland School of Dentistry |
Developed by a dentist, Floss Singles avoids cross-contamination and eliminates waste by providing the right amount of floss each and every time. Used in dental schools and dental offices nationwide.